
Thirty New, Look at You

Dear Readers,

Today is the last day of my 31st year of life. How did I spend it, you ask? Well, it started with a cup of coffee and some meditation (I like to counter balance my relaxation sessions with a nice jolt of caffeine), then a full day of being busy at work, coming home and doing some yoga (which to my horror my husband and mother-in-law walked in on me in my way too tight yoga pants in a compromising position), catching up with my mom-in-law, and making dinner. That's as far as I've gotten, and considering that it's almost 8:00pm, the only thing exciting after this is watching an episode of "American Pickers". That's it.

At this moment, my 19 year old self is puking her much thinner guts up, disgusted by the ordinary display of existence that her life will become. Where are the glamorous parties, the rich friends, the successful high paying career, and the city life I dreamed of and worked so hard for in my younger days? Thankfully, gratefully, and boastfully I say to my younger self: "You may be more intellectual and prettier than me, but you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."

After reviewing last year's birthday blog, dreading the woes of turning 31 (thirty-fun), I slapped myself in the face and snapped out of it. My friends Michael and Loren taught me a valuable lesson in that I'm lucky to have made it this far (by the way boys, if this is your way of proving a point, I hope there's an after life so I can beat the crap out of you). As one of those good books says, "Tomorrow is not promised" (or something like that). So on that note, I'm welcoming year 32 with open arms and an open heart. I'm no longer dreading getting older. I look forward to it! Do you realize, in 10 years my son (my sweet angel baby boy) will be graduating from high school and going to college? As much as I absolutely dread that, do you know how young 42 is to start over with your freedom. So young (take that 19 year old self)! But let's not jump too far ahead, 32 is enough for now.

My plans for my 32nd year are grand: travel to distant lands, growing in my job, getting my health back in control, loving my friends and my family, getting tattooed, and smoking crack are all on the plan of attack (just kidding about that last one, Mom). So much to do in a year! My main ambition, however, is to live my life one day at a time, and savor the gifts that life gives me. Shay and Lucas mock me when I tell them not to buy me presents, but what they don't understand is that getting to have them and our friends and family in my life everyday is gift in itself. Wow, I've grown sentimental in my old age!

So let's raise our glasses to me, in celebration of my next big adventure. In the vain of Jenny Rice, here's to Thirty Two, Thirty New!
