
There's No Place Like Home

Dear Readers,

Last week, after getting very little sleep and coupling that with too much stress when 5:00pm on Friday rolled around I said, "That's it! I'm leaving this place!" And leave I did. I packed up Lucas and myself in the car, kissed Shay goodbye (he had prior obligations) and drove off into the night towards that beautiful place they call Rupert.

There was a time in my life where the last place I wanted to be was in my parent's house (and I can say confidently that they preferred not to have me there either, I'm afraid). Now when I pull up in front of their house and I see my mom's face look out the window it's a thrilling experience. This past Friday was no exception to that joy! I think my parents might worry that they need to entertain us in some way, but honestly laying on their couch, eating my mom's great food, and watching cable is more than enough for me.

On Saturday Lucas and I had the opportunity to join my parents in their monthly "supply trip" to Twin Falls. It's the day they go to all of the important places, Winco, Target, Costco, and to get my mom's haircut. Not to throw out generalizations of the fine people of Twin, but I noticed a few things that concern me for citizens of the Magic Valley: 1) A lot, I mean A LOT, of women are balding, and 2)Another Winco is badly needed, because the one they got just isn't big enough to house all of their happy shoppers...no wonder someone got shot there a couple of years ago. Trying to squeeze past the other patrons was a feat worth a certificate if not a gold medal.

After my mom came out of her salon with a new sporty look, we ventured over to Cafe Rio for a special dinner. Cafe Rio is now my mom's favorite place in the whole world to eat. I don't blame her; for a reasonable price, you get an ample amount of delicious unauthentic Mexican food, served by people who love to yell in excitement when someone earns a free meal with their punch card. I highly recommend the pork tacos, and Lucas gives the bean burrito two thumbs up. Lucas couldn't help but notice there was a Dairy Queen conveniently located across the parking lot, and was able to persuade Grandma that an ice cream sandwich would be the perfect dessert. "Grandma, they take two cookies, and smoosh ice cream in between them!"

Lucas and I also had a chance to catch up with my old friend Monica, her husband Rob, and their beautiful little girls Ellie and Piper. I'm quite taken with little 3 year old Ellie, not only is she adorable but she's smart as a whip and nice as can be. I was thrilled that she and Lucas hit it off so well...we could hear them giggling from upstairs and I heard Lucas say, "Don't laugh so hard that you pee yourself!" to which they giggled even more. Baby Piper is the dang cutest baby I've ever seen, with a shock of red hair and rolls of baby fat that I could squeeze all day. It was nice to be in the Maxwell's basement again! I'm pretty sure I spent more time there in high school then I did my own house...I should pay back rent.

I'm glad we were able to get away for a couple days, and just as glad to come home to Shay. Thanks Mom and Dad for letting us come home once in a while!


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