
A Window to my Soul

Dear Readers,

This is something I don't normally do, but I wanted to share an entry from my journal with you. I wrote this yesterday after hiking into a beautiful canyon right outside of Bryce Canyon National Park. Please note, there is nothing I could write to express the beauty and majesty of this place I was so fortunate to visit. So here you go, a little window into my soul:

I met God today. As a skeptic and non-believer, it's odd for me to say that. But I know no other name for the beauty I experienced today. Neither man or woman, rather a genderless wall of red cliffs and a rushing stream of cold water, with majestic piness growing in places you wouldn't think fit for a tree.

Memories of building scenery in a mason jar with different colors of sand (that smelled both sweet and putrid at the same time) filled my mind. Remember shaking the jar, erasing the lines and colors and turning the so carefully layered landscaped into a mess of brown nothing?

The wind whispered sweet nothings in my ear of past loves and of future possibilities.

No promises made but one: what was there before my birth will stay around long after my death.

I met God today in nature's cathedral. I said no amens, and it gave me no blessings; but we shared an experience that is now recorded in the stones of the rushing creek and the canals of my memory.


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you met him. I don't believe God is the graven image that man likes to think it is, but I do believe that the sheer magnitude of even every day sights have to have a higher power with a magnificent paint brush. I will never accept mans version of the higher power I know exists Heather. It's a much greater power than we have the ability to conceive. I love reading your blogs. If you ever put them into a book, I will be the first in line to buy one. Love, Wally
