
Thoughts From 15,000 Feet

Dear Readers,

I returned to Boise late last night after spending a week in New York and New Jersey.  I enjoyed a lot of great experiences, and even more important, a lot of great people.  I have a bag full of stories and memories to share, but that will have to wait for another day.  For now, here is a snapshot from my travels last night that I wrote on the plane ride from Minneapolis to Boise.

As I was getting off of the plane in Cincinnati, I watched as an older black woman climbed into an airport courtesy wheelchair.

"How are you, Mrs. White?" Asked the girl who would be helping her.

"Blessed."  Answered Mrs. White.

So certain in her conviction, so quick to answer.  It wasn't religious, pretentious, or annoying.  Rather, it may have been the closest thing to a wholly honest answer to that often inane question that I've ever heard.

It is possible that I took this entire trip to hear that one, valiant word: blessed.


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