

Dear Readers,

There are times in life that we make mistakes. It happens all the time, every day almost. Forgetting your mom's birthday. Burning a dozen cookies. Talking on the phone while driving a causing a wreck. Or occasionally, you leave your backpack in one of the theater rooms at the Holocaust Museum and it causes a bomb scare that requires an entire evacuation, a bomb squad, and a trained dog to resolve the situation. Whatever the mistake may be, I implore you as responsible adults to do me a favor:

Accept Responsibility.

I'm losing tolerance for the human race, and the reason why all stems back to a sincere lack of integrity. Really, the one thing that we all have in common with each other is that none of us are immune from being stupid from time to time. The thing that I don't understand is how we as a society have made up so many excuses to cover up those mistakes that we've lost the grace and ability to stand up and say, "You know, I messed up. I'm sorry. What can I do to fix it?" People aren't always going to understand, and they're not always going to forgive you. But if you made a mistake, if you caused someone or something harm in any respect, even if you knowingly and willingly make a choice that goes ari, take the first opportunity to make it right.

I apologize for the lecture. I don't attend church so I have to get preachy through my blog, I guess. But I'm trying to start a revolution, an "integrilution" if you will (if you won't, I understand...it's a stretch as far as made up words go). Be the bigger person. Put on your big boy or girl or unisex panties. Use expletives in lieu of "messed up" if you need to (I'd give better examples, but my mom reads this). Whatever you need to do instead of making excuses and trying to get out of the consequences, just do it. You'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you're human and you've got no one to blame but you. Funny enough, it's more rewarding then you'd think.


1 comment:

  1. Excellent advice Heather. Many times I mess up and feel better once I admit it. Thank you.
