
Heather Vs. Weather

Dear Readers,

My hip hurts. Do you know why? Because it's raining outside. And not only does my hip hurt, my knee is swollen, the joints in my hands and feet are stiff, and my head is twitching.

It is signs like these, along with my constant afflictions and love for prunes that have helped me to decide I'm the oldest 30 year old in the world.

Every few months I have to go and see a Rheumotologist because I have an auto-immune disease. In the waiting room it's me, the seemingly healthy woman, sitting in the middle of several elderly patients who bodies gave up on them a while ago. They look at me with speculation, wondering what I'm doing there. And I just want to stand up and say for all to hear, "It's okay, I'm one of you! My hip goes out when I walk up stairs and I fall over! My hands swell to the point that they're numb for several hours! I like Matlock, and am sure one day soon buffets will appeal to me!", but even if I did, they wouldn't believe me.

Instead, I appeal to my friends and husband for sympathy. If I stand up and groan because of the pain in my hip, the response is a round of laughter. When the weather changes and I can predict when it will rain or snow, I'm asked which retirement community will best suit me. And on my really bad days that I feel just awful and I have to complain, I'm reminded that there a lot of people worse off then me.

Strangely enough, it's the sarcasm and laughter and gentle reminders to be glad it's not worse that help me to get through a bad day, or even a bad rainstorm.

But dang, this rain does make my hip hurt.


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