
When I Grow Up...

Dear Readers,

As a child, I had a list of jobs that I felt were not only plausible, but perfectly reasonable to obtain. The list includes:

1. Astronaut (mind you, I was in Young Astronauts from 2nd-6th grade)
2. Marine Biologist
3. Olympic Athlete
4. Artist
5. Senator

Astronaut went by the wayside for two reasons: 1) my parents wouldn't pay for Space Camp and 2) I learned that there was a lot of math involved, and I really didn't have any interest in doing math.

I mistook the term "Marine Biologist" to mean that I would get to play with the dolphins and whales at Sea World. Once I learned that it was more than blowing whistles and riding Shamu (sp?) I moved on to my next career choice.

Now, I have to say that I think given the proper training and performance enhancing drugs, I would have made at least a mediocre athlete. I remember as a child setting up an entire olympic track and field event in my back yard; I used my dad's saw horses for hurdles, ran laps around the house, made a javalon out of a tree branch, and practiced my limited knowledge of gymnastics as a back up. My parents didn't have the same faith in me as an olympic contender, but they won gold medals in making fun of me.

Art was a possibility, but my sensitivity caused me to drop out of the art program at USU after 2 semesters. I wasn't too bad, at least I thought. But then I married Shay and I realized that I really sucked. Really, really sucked. I'm proud to say I haven't done a painting in close to 9 years, and I don't miss it at all.

I haven't given up on my dream of being a Senator, but there has to be some radical changes in the government as it currently stands. Plus I should probably leave Idaho (what are the chances of a ladie democrat being voted in here?), and quit my heavy drug use. Then again, George W. Bush got to be a high ranking official!

The sad reality is that I've let my childself down. I did do some things I never thought I would though, such as getting married, having Lucas, and owning a cat. And I'm pretty sure I enjoy doing those things more than I would traveling to space at this point in my life. It's strange how your priorities change the older you get. Career at one point was my central goal, and now it's just a biproduct. Regardless, I've finally settled on what I want to be when I grow up: a baker. And a good person. And a support to those who need it. And maybe a pole dancer too, but just to mix it up a bit.


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